
Deserialization is the process of converting data that has been serialized (converted into a format that can be easily stored or transmitted) back into its original form. It is the reverse process of serialization.

Serialization is commonly used to store or transmit data structures, objects, or complex data types in a format that can be easily reconstructed later. Deserialization is the process of reconstructing the original data structure from the serialized form.

Key Concepts of Deserialization:

  1. Serialization Formats: Deserialization depends on the serialization format used. Common formats include JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), XML (eXtensible Markup Language), and binary serialization formats.
  2. Object Reconstruction: During deserialization, the serialized data is used to reconstruct the original object or data structure, including its properties and relationships.
  3. Data Validation: Deserialization often involves validating the serialized data to ensure that it is well-formed and does not contain errors or malicious content.
  4. Security Considerations: Deserialization can pose security risks, such as deserialization of untrusted data leading to remote code execution (a vulnerability known as “deserialization vulnerability”).

Example: Consider a simple example of deserialization in JSON format: