
In programming, a value is considered “falsy” if it is evaluated as false in a boolean context. Like truthy values, falsy values are not specific to a particular programming language and are found in various languages, including JavaScript.

In JavaScript, falsy values are those that coerce to false when evaluated as a boolean. This includes values like false, 0, '' (empty string), null, undefined, and NaN (Not-a-Number). Similar to truthy values, the concept of falsy values exists in many programming languages, but the specific values considered falsy may vary.

Example (JavaScript):

if (0) {
    console.log('0 is truthy'); // This will not be executed

if ('') {
    console.log('Empty string is truthy'); // This will not be executed

if (null) {
    console.log('null is truthy'); // This will not be executed