Time to Interactive (TTI)

Time to Interactive (TTI) is a web performance metric that measures the time it takes for a web page to become fully interactive and usable for the user. It is an important metric for assessing the user experience and responsiveness of a web page.

TTI is based on the concept of “interactivity,” which refers to the point at which a web page has loaded enough content and resources to respond quickly to user interactions, such as clicks, taps, and input fields. TTI is influenced by various factors, including the page load time, the execution of JavaScript, and the rendering of critical content.

TTI is typically measured as the time from when the user navigates to a web page until the page is fully interactive. It can be calculated using performance monitoring tools or browser developer tools that track key events related to page load and interactivity.

Example: Suppose a user visits a web page and starts interacting with elements on the page, such as clicking buttons or entering text. The time it takes for these interactions to be processed and for the page to respond is the TTI.